
Tuesday, May 6, 2014

A Fresh Start

I know I've been slack in blogging. That makes me sad. I really like blogging. I don't know that anyone else in the world really cares what I have to say but I like having a place to document my thoughts nonetheless.
I think part of my problem was that I got bogged down in what my blog was (or was not). I thought I wanted to be a book blogger. I LOVE books and I LOVE talking about them. Books are a mega huge part of my life. But I look at other book bloggers and I just don't that I am *that* kind of blogger.
I'm not really a *lifestyle* blogger either. I'm not sure I have enough day to day *life* to be a *lifestyle* blogger. I'm not a mom so I can't be a *mommy* blogger. I love food but I'm not enough of a *foodie* to have a food blog. I truly enjoy music but I'm not *musical* enough for dedicate a blog to it. Heck, I L O V E movies/tv but not enough to single-handedly master a *film* blog. (Although, I do get my book/movie/tv passion out over on
But for Alli's World...I think I'm just going to try to stop trying so hard. I know what you might be thinking, "Alli, girl. You ain't blogged but four times this YEAR and this is MAY already! You ain't trying. AT ALL."
What I mean is, I'm going to stop trying so hard fit into a labels that doesn't quite suit me. That's what I wanted when I first started blogging. A creative outlet for myself.
So, I imagine Alli's World will still be heavy into books. I mean. Really. They consume a huge chuck of my life. But in addition to books, I am going to write about other things that interest me too. (See above for examples.)
Other topics that MAYBE covered:
-Foster Care/Adoption Updates (Have I even covered that at all yet?)
-Georgia Related Things (Athens/Northeast GA/Southeast US)
-Fashion/Make Up Type Things
-Travel Things
-All the Things that Interest Alli
So anyways, I know this may not be what you signed up for when you followed along in Alli's World. But this is the way I see if going for now. If you aren't interested in going along for this ride anymore, I understand. If you stick around, I hope to have more content, more frequently. We'll just see where this journey leads us!

Also, does anyone know anything about Wordpress? Should I switch from Blogger? Opinions?

And a photo of Hubs & I. 
Because we hiked. 
Up a mountain.
To see this waterfall.
Grotto Falls outside of Gatlinburg, Tennessee

Friday, May 2, 2014

Happy Anniversary!!

Quick update: hubs & I celebrated 4 years of marital bliss yesterday!! It's crazy hard to believe. On one hand I feel like we just got married but on the other it's impossible to remember life without him. It was a difficult for both hubs & me to get to this point in our lives, both independently and together. 

We still want more from life, of course. But for now we are content and happy. We have had some really awesome adventures thus far, met some cool people, seen some amazing sights, been to some remarkable places, and had some unforgettable experiences. And really what more could I want? So happy anniversary babe and I hope for many, many more! Love you bunches honey!

Us in Las Vegas on May 1, 2010 shortly after we said "I do!" I told Clayton I wouldn't get married unless it was in Vegas with Elvis. A few days later he said, "I booked the flight." :-) <3

Us yesterday after spending our fourth anniversary together. We had a lovely meal at the Dillard House, visited 12 Spies Vineyards, and made a few other unplanned stops along the road. We had an enjoyable day spent together. I could go for about 75 more years of days like that!

Friday, April 25, 2014

Long Over Due UPDATE!!

Y'all. I did not realize just how long it had been since I last blogged! Holy cow! And while I'm not going to make promises about being back or anything but I did want to let you know where I'm at and where I'll be!

First, I haven't completely fell off the face of the internet. I've actually had an opportunity come up and I've been writing a bit for Literary Beginnings & Red Carpet Endings! This is super exciting for me because I LOVE book to movie/tv adaptations! For this moment in my life, it is really awesome to be able to explore that passion of mine. Please visit me over there, we strive to keep you up to date on adaptation news!

Second, I've had chance to have a couple of really cool experiences!

I got to meet Ian Somerhalder, Damon from The Vampire Diaries!! It was on evening (or early morning, however you look at it) after they were filming on location in Covington, GA!

I got to go to the early screening/red carpet in Atlanta for DIVERGENT! And met Shailene Woodley (above) and Theo James (below)! Talk about an OMG moment!

Thus far, this year has been AWESOME!

I've read some great books:
-Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell (I mean, if I had to pick a book title to describe me, that would be the one!)
-Shatter Me and Unravel Me by Taherah Mafi
-Speak, Wintergirls, Twisted, and Catalyst by Laurie Halse Anderson

Listened to a GREAT audiobook:
-Looking for Alaska by John Green

I'm currently reading The Maze Runner by James Dashner. And currently listening to Dreams of Gods & Monsters (Daughter of Smoke & Bone, #3) by Laini Taylor. (L.O.V.E. this series!)

This is just a brief update but that's what's been going on! What have y'all been up to?