So, I just want to start by saying I have the BEST mother in the WORLD. She took off work early to go with me to the book signing so I wouldn't have to go alone, even though it really isn't her thing. I love my mommy! Now that I got that out of the way, I'll move on to the event itself.
My Jennifer L. Armentrout Collection
Details: June 8th, FoxTale Book Shoppe, Woodstock, GA 3:00pm. Book signing with author Jennifer L. Armentrout and [book] cover models Pepe Toth and Sztelle Tziotziosz.
Me, Vania (of VLC Productions) & Jennifer (author)
Before the actually signing, there was a questions and answer session, during which people had lots of question for Jennifer and especially the models! There were lots of good questions and a good bit of giggling going on during that time!
Sztella, Me, & Pepe
(they are the cover models for the Lux series books)
While in Atlanta, Jennifer said that they were filming scenes for the first three Lux books (Obsidian, Onyx, and Opal) with models, Pepe and Sztella, for the book trailers. And, if you are familiar with Obsidian, the laptop scene is being filmed! (Whooo-hooo!)
Jennifer answered my question, is there more to come from Daemon's point of view (POV)?
She said, YES! She has found people tend to only have one perspective from him and that perspective changed after reading scenes from Daemon's POV. (I know that was true for me!) She doesn't have any plans to re-write the whole book but she has written most of major scenes from his POV.
This, my friends, is the Advanced Readers Copy (ARC) of
(This doesn't even come out til Aug!!)
When asked if there was anyone in her life she based the Daemon character off of JLA said that there isn't. But she does like snarky, witty guys with good come backs. She said her editorial notes on this book were to make him more of jerk which she was surprised by. Obsidian's female lead is a book blogger. JLA says never reviewed books and she learned blogger language from talking to bloggers.
JLA credits her boredom and her overactive imagination as her sources of inspiration. She's putting out so many books so quickly, she's worried she will run out of ideas and is scared she will have to write about zombie were-llamas. (I bet with her writing it, it would still be pretty awesome!) She said she does listen music while writing sometimes but doesn't have to but for fight scenes, she listens to heavy metal band Drowning Pool and rock band Disturbed. And while writing the laptop scene, she listened to ET (Katy Perry, I assume) over and over, as it seemed appropriate! (Uh, yeah!)
When asked about making Obsidian into a movie, she said it was a long process and she was waiting on Hollywood but given the chance she probably would!
Upcoming news: JLA is contracted for another novella in the Lux series which will probably come out between books 5 and 6. (The first novella is Shadows and is a prequel to Obsidian, which I haven't read yet, I know shame on me!) She likes novellas that connects the books or moves the plot forward not just a rehash of what has already happened. Her next books, Onyx come out August 14, Opal comes out December 7, and then two more that don't have release date as of yet. In the Fall, she has a book coming out every mouth,in addition to the aforementioned, includes Cursed in September, Deity in November. YAY for not having to wait on a JLA fix!!

Lastly, my nail design was inspired by the awesome cover of Obsidian, so I had to include a pic or two of that too! I used Sally Hanson Insta-Dri in Jumpin' Jade, then painted the top "corner" of my nail black (In Wet n Wild Wild Shine in Black Creme) over the green. Next, I painted a line of silver glitter (kinda like lightening from the cover of the book) between the black and green. I used Art Deco silver glitter polish that has a very thin "striper" brush. I'm pretty happy with the results and I think I captured the essence of the cover.
I'm sure I've seen some nails similar over the 'net at some point but I don't know who to give credit to for this idea, please know if it was your idea, I wasn't trying to steal it!